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Incisive CT 128

Incisive CT

CT Scanner

Incisive CT helps you meet some of your organization’s most pressing challenges. Philips Incisive CT offers intellect at every step, from acquisition through results, and across all fronts: financial, clinical and operational. Like never before, operator and design efficiencies come together for wise decisions from start to finish with an unprecedented Tube for Life guarantee¹.

Delivers intelligence that adapts to you

Intuitive advances from the scanner to the console to the reading room help improve the patient experience and every step of the radiology workflow. Consistently high-quality and fast results are made possible by the adaptive intelligence of Incisive CT, which helps keep the technologist close to the patient and offers consistency scan to scan.

Brings predictability to an unpredictable world

Designed for serviceability and reliability, Incisive CT brings reassuring predictability to you. With 24/7 proactive monitoring, Philips helps you solve problems before they can impact your day-to-day operations while remote services allows for rapid resolution of issues without the need for on-site service.
Tube for Life guarantee

Tube for Life guarantee

Our Tube for Life guarantee¹ is an unprecedented approach that can help lower operating costs by an estimated $400,000². We believe so strongly in the reliability of the vMRC tube that we’ll replace it if necessary over the life of the system¹ at no cost to you.

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