Category: Gallery / Healthcare Equipment / Philips

X-Ray - DigitalDiagnost
Digital radiography solutions
Experience premium digital radiography productivity, with high performance rooms and flexible rooms right through to a cutting edge emergency set-up. Choose the configuration suited to your applications, workflow and budget.Features
Grid-like contrast
When doing DR exams without a grid, Philips SkyFlow produces images with grid-like contrast. It reduces the effect of scattered radiation for non-grid bedside chest exams. SkyFlow is the industry’s first scatter correction algorithm technology for portable thorax X-rays – requiring no operator input. It delivers contrast enhancement based on the amount of scatter for the individual patient.
DigitalDiagnost emergency room
If your emergency room is packed with people, machines, and cables, you need a straightforward DR solution that delivers. Incorporate a Philips premium wireless DR system for critical work in your emergency rooms, recovery bays, and trauma centers With just a motorized ceiling suspension and a SkyPlate, there is more room for emergency equipment and more space around the patient.
DigitalDiagnost chest room
Typically, you’ve got to put a lot of patients through your digital radiography chest room. And you may sometimes use it as a back-up solution to your main DR room. With the DigitalDiagnost DR chest room you can rapidly do the full range of chest exams, including in-bed and wheelchair exposures. This room can also be used as a versatile musculoskeletal digital radiography room. You can perform spine, skull, and other extremity exams.
Lightweight wireless portable detector
The large and the smaller sized SkyPlates serve as a workflow enhancing asset in your Philips DR rooms and with the Philips digital mobile unit. The light weight of the DR SkyPlates sets an industry standard for use wherever you need them – stationary or portable.
Share it as you like
The DR SkyPlate sharing combinations allow you to efficiently use your budget and customize deployment of your DR detectors. The specialized application range of the small Philips SkyPlate enables it to be applied in different DR rooms and with a mobile DR unit. Use the large Philips SkyPlate for free exams in different areas or insert it in vertical stands or table trays.
Eleva – the common platform
Premium Eleva makes workflow continuity and network communication easy. Common platform. Fast to learn and use. Designed to streamline your radiography department. It offers a number of smart tools like optimized exposure and fluoroscopy settings and instant image processing.
UNIQUE - superb image processing
UNIQUE (UNified Image QUality Enhancement) image processing. Consistent, superb images for all anatomical areas. UNIQUE supports every link of the imaging chain, harmonizing contrast and enhancing details.
Total DR Room Motorization
With complete room motorization you can automatically position the detector and tube around your patients to free up your DigitalDiagnost DR exam workflow. Immobile patients in particular appreciate the chance to remain in the DR room between projections. Automatic tube tracking and collimation, as well as automatic alignment of tube and detector place patients instead of technology on center stage.
DigitalDiagnost high performance room
In the DigitalDiagnost high performance room, you can comfortably perform exams on more than 250 patients a day. Thanks to the 5-axes motorization of the ceiling suspension and the fixed or moveable vertical stand. The moveable vertical stand excels in efficient upright, cross-lateral and under-the-table exams. With the full motorization you can rapidly switch from table to chest exams without having to reposition the patient.
DigitalDiagnost flex room
The single-detector DigitalDiagnost DR flex room with automated ceiling suspension, moveable vertical stand, and single side suspended table with swivel put every part of the patient into the exposure range. You can reduce patient repositioning and gain application freedom with virtually unlimited pre-defined settings of the tube and the detector mounted on the moveable stand’s flexible arm.
DigitalDiagnost value room
Equipped with SkyPlate trays and SkyPlate detector, the Philips DR value room is a smart entry into the world of premium digital radiography or serves as an additional DR room. Discover premium Philips benefits like renowned UNIQUE image processing and the intuitive Eleva user interface. Move the large SkyPlate between the table and the vertical stand, each with an integrated SkyPlate tray, and use it for free exposures as well.